of the artists are there in person, hosting their own gallery space.
Along with the year round galleries that reside in Pittenweem, it is not
uncommon for galleries to be pitched up in studios, garages, cafes,
public spaces, and even people's front rooms! I was just chatting to a
couple who went this year and saw someone wander into a house, which
unfortunately for them, was not one of the designated venues, but simply
a poor Pittenweemer's home. I am pretty sure it wouldn't have been an
isolated incident either, but equally as confident that the locals
expertly deal with it in the best possible manner.
of our artists show annually and there is never a shortage of arty
people to chat with. Anyone wanting an art fix in August could do no
better than heading over to the east coast during the festival. I hear
that there are even some pretty amazing fish'n'chips in that neck of the
woods aswell.