
Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tempo di Autunno (Autumn Exhibition)

Well, I've got to say, that I've been pretty rubbish at keeping the blog up to date recently. Note to self: must do better. So, since the last post (a thousand years ago) there's been much going on in the Luti camp. It's not really much of an excuse, but just after the last blog post, I jetted off to Italy to the folks' apartment in Tuscany for a wee break. It was absolutely lovely! Unfortunately, for Mum and Dad, however, my trip away coincided with the change-over and opening of the new exhibition (whooops!), so they had to slave away day in day out to get it all done themselves while I basked in the Italian sun (meh heh heh).

It was certainly a joy to come home and have the new exhibition up and running. Such a breadth of Colour and vibrancy greeted me in the gallery that I didn't even mind about the cold climate I had returned to. The folks managed to do a great job. I think I'll go away again for the next exhibition.

Mum is desperado to write about her trip now, so I'll sign off and let her on.
(photos coming soon!)

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